The Weekend at Urofiesta 2017, Surabaya

Urofiesta is an annual meeting held by the East Java branch of Indonesian Urological Association (IAUI). Various workshops and symposia , for urologists, general practitioners and nurses. This year, urofiesta held workshops for urologist on PCNL and Microsoft surgery. 
The first day, i attended the microsurgery workshop. It was fun, many new things. 

The image above : me with my colleague from Mataram, dr. Pandu Ishaq, SpU . The image chapter : life is a choice 😁

During the lunch break, i was invited to give a small lecture and webminar on Santika hotel. This webminar was provided by GlaxoSmithKline. I have a small lecture about the current management choices in BPH. The discussion was interesting, and the questions cake from all over Indonesia

On the last day i was asked to present my work on female urethral Sling for stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). In Samarinda we routinely performed female urethral Sling. And the outcome was presented. 

It was amazing, with the young urologist from Surabaya.